Monday, June 25, 2007

Framing - Day 25...

Well, this should be my second to last day blogging about framing. Hopefully I'll be blogging about roofing by the end of the week! I met the flooring guy today so he could take measurements and discussed the staircase handrails with our builder :)

Today's pics:

Doorway to book nook off my office:

View into the book nook:

View of ensuite and walk-in closet doors from entrance to my office:

View of above from the where the bed will be:

Bedroom door from bedroom window:

Framed linen closet:

Completed rafters and sheathing on eating nook:

Looking upstairs from the living room - bedroom/linen closet/en-suite:

Looking upstairs from living room - bedroom and my office:

Eating nook with rafters/sheathing from inside:

And from outside, on the side of the deck:

Views from back/side/front:

And there we go - final framing photos tomorrow! Then the updates likely won't be so frequent as things won't be changing so obviously - roofing, electrical work, insulation etc.


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